Saturday, January 4, 2014

13 from '13

I know it's not 2013 anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't do a year-end review or, more importantly, JOIN THE LINKUP!


We visited our families in Ohio for New Year's, aka Let's-Pretend-It's-Christmas-Because-We-Had-To-Work-On-Christmas-Because-Stupid-Residency. Faith got gastroenteritis and freaked out on the plane. Good times.


Faith turned two and gorged herself on cake. She also started talking more, working on overcoming her speech delay thanks to her wonderful speech therapist, Miss Betsy.


Still preggo. Fortunately I passed the dreaded glucose tolerance test this time-- when I was pregnant with Faith I just barely failed and had to come in to do the three-hour test on one of my few Saturdays off.  Shoot me.


Presented my research, "An Analysis of Infant Deaths and Injuries Associated with Swaddle Wraps and Sleep Sacks" at a poster presentation and won a (very local) award for it!  (Also, I turned 29. Yikes.)


Faith enjoyed her last month as an only child as we got ready for Josie's arrival.  I finished up almost all of my clinical experience as a resident, as I had cleverly arranged my schedule to have my final, baby-birthing month be a "board study" month only, with just a couple half-days of continuity clinic remaining.

Jack and I both finished residency!  Here's me (looking enormous) with almost my whole residency class on our end-of-residency party/boat trip.  Look how happy we all are to be DONE WITH RESIDENCY!!!

June gets the bonus picture!

Josie was born at the end of a super-quick 5.5-hour labor.  Seriously, I started having contractions as we headed out to lunch at Panera, and by dinnertime I had a baby.  It was basically drug-free (not on purpose... I respect ladies who want to go au natural but I'm not one of them) because it was ridiculously fast. They got the epidural in-- and the IV, which I was supposed to have much earlier for antibiotics due to screening positive for GBS-- JUUUUST in time for me to push.  Then it was like 3 pushes and hello baby!


Omg, you guys, we moved to Guam!!  The heck?!


We finally moved into our house after being on Guam almost a month.  So amazing after living in hotels for weeks on end.  Also, Jack turned 31... officially "in his thirties." Crazy!


I started work as a real-life attending pediatrician! Double crazy!


Faith was the cutest Red Riding Hood EVER for Halloween.


Cooked my first (teeny, under 10 pounds) turkey successfully!


Christmas on Guam. Surreal. Happy, though.

I could do with a few years quite a bit LESS eventful than 2013. You know?

Linking up with Dwija at House Unseen, Life Unscripted!

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